The necessities.

Clean air.
Living amongst the forest naturally provides a high quality of air to breathe. We can expect air quality to further improve as we plant bamboo, which takes in toxins and releases bountiful oxygen.
FRESH water.
Our world’s most precious resource. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to put roots down in an area rich in supply of this liquid gold. Thanks to the climatic characteristics of the Yucatan Peninsula and its geology, a system of underground reservoirs has formed. The subterranean rivers are at a depth between 5 & 20 meters across the whole area, providing fresh water sufficient to meet daily needs. Each structure will also be designed to capture and store the rain of its surface area, to be filtered and used as the primary system for drinking & bathing.

Perennial food forests are being planted along roads & pathways and integrated into each homestead, while your home is equipped with a kitchen garden for the freshest herbs & vegetables. We utilize the biodynamic method to provide the highest quality of nutrition on the planet, food full of life force.
We will cultivate bamboo across the land, while teaching you the skills to harvest and create a beautiful long lasting home. Over time, this will provide each homestead with a sustainable source of income and a low cost of structural building materials. We will also share this knowledge & skillset with the Maya people to ensure a healthy revenue for the surrounding community, empowering locals to keep their land and provide for future generations.

Renewable energy.
Sitting 19 degrees above the equator, power is harvested from the abundant tropical sun. Each dwelling is fitted with solar panels & lithium storage, while we work towards even cleaner systems.
Circular systems.
We close the loop, with waste water being filtered on site and returned to the ground, food scraps composted to give nutrients back to the soil, a community recycling center is provided for metal & glass, while each home is equipped with a bio-digestor to treat solid waste and convert it to fertilizer for trees.

The lifestyle.
With the co-creation of this community, we seek to foster the conditions to nurture the body & mind with ease, so that fulfillment of spirit may blossom to its full potential.